making sense of my world
by artist Helen Shaddock

Poetry and prose

Picture This

The best way for me to try to explain my need to wash my hands is by means of an illustration. Picture this:

X is using their hands to eat some greasy chips

The grease contains calories and fat

X opens a door with their hand

The grease on X’s hands is transferred to the door handle

Y comes along and uses their left hand to open the door

The grease is transferred from the door handle to Y’s left hand

The grease contains calories and fat

Y picks up an apple with their left hand

Y’s left hand is covered in grease

The grease is transferred to the apple

Y eats the apple

Y eats the grease

The grease contains calories and fat

Y eats the calories and fat

Y gains weight from eating the extra calories and fat


So, this relates to the food thing.


But also relates to the cleanliness thing. Here’s how:


X sneezes and covers their nose with their cupped hands to catch the sneeze

The sneeze contains germs

X opens a door with their hands

The germs on X’s hands are transferred to the door handle

Y comes along and uses their hands to open the door

The germs are transferred from the door handle to Y’s hands

Y picks up an apple with their hand

Y’s hand is covered in germs

The germs are transferred to the apple

Y eats the apple

Y eats the germs

The germs make Y ill

Y is unhealthy and unable to do exercise because they are ill


The implications of these theories are huge and drastically effect my life. The theories lead me to many of my behaviours such as:


Washing my hands before eating anything, particularly before I am eating anything with my hands

When washing my hands, rinse the tap before switching it off (I would have made it dirty by switching it on and so need to make it clean before touching it again with clean hands)

In public places, e.g. at work, I do not dry hands on shared towels

Washing all food that can be washed before eating/cooking follow special regime – rinse once and then rinse again to ensure food is fully clean

Washing hands after touching dirty washing

Washing the handle of the washing machine before taking clean washing out of the washing machine (it would have been made dirty when opening it to put the dirty washing in)

Washing the handle of doors that have been touched by other people with dirty hands

Not touching bins

Wiping the keyboard and mouse of the computers at work prior to me using them

Washing hands after tying shoelaces

Washing hands after touching animals

Using antibacterial products on anything that has come into contact with urine or other bodily fluids

Washing my hands after touching anything on the floor

Wiping surfaces with antibacterial wipes prior to cooking or working

Not wearing clothes that have been on the floor or grass

Not swimming in the sea (for fear of sewage)


I’ve been following such rules for twenty years.


When the pandemic struck, I had a
welcome to my world


It made complete sense to me.

I felt reassured that other people were now adhering to my rules.


I felt safer.


But it also reinforced the need to follow my rules.

Now that moment has passed the cleanliness thing is as powerful for me as ever.