making sense of my world
by artist Helen Shaddock

Resources supporting recovery


ConnectED on The Journey

ConnectED on The Journey is a new online toolkit designed to support both recipients and providers of eating disorders and eating distress support.
It has been co-designed by people with lived experience of receiving and providing support online. It has been developed as part of Remote Healthcare for Eating Disorders throughout COVID-19 (RHED-C), a 3-year research programme dedicated to exploring the benefits and challenges of remote care during and since the COVID pandemic.
Watch the launch event video to find out more about the toolkit and it’s development.
The toolkit is a direct response to what people have told us they need when it comes to remote care: they would like to make better use of existing platforms available when it comes to getting the most out of remote care. 
Co-designed with 20 of our research participants as co-designers, this new resource is designed to be freely available, and includes hints and tips for how to get the most out of the online or remote support experience. 
This includes, for example, tips for maximising confidentiality at home, getting in the zone for an online session, and tools to help journal your progress between online sessions.
The site includes information aimed at people looking for support, families and friends supporting someone, and service providers.
You can visit the toolkit at
RHED-C is funded by the Medical Research Foundation.